Monday, May 01, 2006

See you next Tuesday.

I have been saying and writing that all day. Now I am embarassed, because, as we all know, C U Next Tuesday means cunt. But we are having a workshop... next tuesday, so I keep repeating that. Whoops. I am so vulgar. It would be awesome if I could just say, "Thanks for registering, c.u.n.t." instead. That would be hysterical.
In any case, I can't find any information on protests today in Kansas City. I would like to lend my support to the immigrant community. I am pretty disgusted with much of the commentary coming out of the immigration debates. The nastiness of really, the majority, is just so troubling.


Anonymous said...

There was a protest at Liberty Memorial at 4 and and protest at Ilus Park at 5. Shoulda called your brother who is in the know.


ruth said...


and i even checked dos mundos.

Anonymous said...

Gotta read the spanish side, they don't tell the gringos nothin


Katie said...

So Im confused and you need to send me an email. are you supporting illegal immigrants or just immigranty immigrants? Ive been trying to read more articles online about this (since all I have now is a back issues of Newsweek my mom sent me) but like always, I have no idea what is going on. Although I do know what a gringo is so I feel cool reading your brothers comment.

ruth said...

well, i'm sure the immigration debate is more complicated than i believe, but i support the illegal ones too. i am probably not the one to explain to you what is going on.
nevertheless, i support a more liberal immigration & amnesty policy. you know, UK-style.