Thursday, May 28, 2009

The new economy

So today I am using my work time to read the archives of Chowhound's Table Manners, and I am now back in the 2007s. In case you think I am overly slothful, I will note that I am skimming and not reading every column. I am also getting laid off next month and working on an incredibly annoying project, so I suppose I am not highly motivated.

It is interesting to see the advice given back in those more prosperous times. I just read a column where we were told that brown-bagging it at work will damage your career, and another that stated taking your leftovers home from a date or a business meal is a major no-no. Granted, I work in an office where restaurants are inaccessible so most people brown-bag it. And as someone that endeavors to fiscal and environmental responsibility, I can't bear to see food go to waste. In either case, I can't imagine an advice columnist giving similar advice now.


Ms. E said...

Okay even when the economy was good, who in their right mind would leave leftovers behind? The only kind of food I would ever justify leaving is Mexican food because the tortillas turn rubbery in the fridge...

Diana said...

I always brown bag it. Healthier, cheaper and gosh darn it, my sandwiches taste way better than half the crap that's peddled for twice the amount!

And that's all I have to say about that. :)

ruth said...

Diana, when I read that column, I thought about your date that asked you to chip in on the bill and took the leftovers. Awful! Still, I think there are more polite ways to take one's leftovers home in a date context.