Saturday, June 18, 2011

Triumph, and, a possible perk of unemployment

Just took my first run since the thyroidectomy, and it was shockingly easier than expected. I was slower than usual, but I did not find myself watching the clock (I've been following the couch to 5k plan for the last couple of months to get back in the running habit and I typically know exactly how much longer I have for each interval at any given point during my run).

For one, I was pleased to learn that I could actually run slower. I typically shuffle along, running a 9 minute mile regardless of what point I am at during my run (note-- I have never attempted to run more than 30 minutes or so and I'm sure that would change if I went on longer).  But today I only covered 2.44 miles and it took 35 minutes-- 18 minutes of running and 17, walking. Usually I'd squeeze nearly an extra mile out of that time. Alas, I ran slowly with nary and it was easy and pleasant, so I'm happy.

But best of all was the fact that I contentedly listened to the podcast without looking at my iPod every 30 seconds. This I attribute to the aforementioned unemployment. Yesterday I baked this apple cake and was startled when the timer went off after 20 minutes, having felt only a few of those pass. Today I ran my first 5 minute interval without looking at my iPod even once. Okay, I looked once but that was in amazement when I realized I had to be almost done. And I was.


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